How Can We Help?

How Can We Help?

There are many common problems that can make hearing a frustrating experience – distance, background noise or poor room acoustics. Our solutions include convenient, wireless equipment that helps you personalize the sound experience, so those who need extra assistance for any reason can hear effortlessly. We offer several technologies to help your audience hear and to satisfy ADA and IEC requirements.

The Hearing Loss Association of America and the American Academy of Audiology  recommend induction hearing loops as the preferred assistive listening system for those with hearing loss. Sound is “broadcast” directly to the users hearing aid or cochlear implant. There is no need for separate receivers and headsets. 

Our technicians are certified Contacta Hearing Loop installers capable of meeting international performance standard IEC60118-4 ensuring your audience the best possible sound. This means that after the installation there will not be any "hot spots, cold spots or no spots" within the looped area. We have the knowledge and the experience to install your hearing loop correctly. 

We are Upstate New York’s hearing loop installation specialists. 

Call us for a free consultation

at 315-941-0238.

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HLAA-Hearing Loss Association of America

Get in the Hearing Loop

American Academy of Audiology

This campaign will enlighten and excite hearing aid and cochlear implant users, as well as audiologists and other hearing health-care professionals about telecoils and hearing loops and their unique benefits.

Hearing loops transmit the audio from a PA system directly to telecoil-equipped hearing aids and cochlear implants. The telecoil functions as an antenna, relaying sounds directly into the ear without background noise just like Wi-Fi connects people to the Web.

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